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Care vs Control

“Culture is not a territory to be won or lost,  but a resource we are called to steward with care.  Culture is a garden to be cultivated.” -  Makoto Fujimura One of my favorite pastors is Dr. Bryan Chapell, former President of Covenant Seminary who now works as the Stated Clerk for the PCA. Last week, someone in my Twitter feed posted a summary of Dr. Chapell's video call with pastors around the country regarding the need to bridge generational divides within local churches. The summary was juicy enough to entice me to watch the entire 70 min video -- I already love his preaching -- and was glad I did as it helped to put some puzzle pieces together as to why older and younger Christians can see things so differently, despite agreeing on core doctrines of faith.  About 35 minutes in, he offered insight into the differences and commonalities between pastors over 50 and pastors under 40, generally speaking. Those over 50 grew up in what was perceived as a...
Recent posts

Christ's Imminent Return

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The World is Watching

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Truthful lips

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A Liturgy During a Pandemic

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The Idolatry of Christian Trumpism

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Advent Begins in the Dark

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